Our Services


Ph.D. level Psychologists: 344,000 - 390,000 KRW
- Attained Ph.D. degree in Psychology
- Completed Psychologist Training
- Locally or internationally licensed psychologists

MA level Counselors: 344,000 - 390,000 KRW
- Attained MA degree in Psychology
- Completed Supervision Training
- Locally or internationally licensed counselors


  • ADHD Psychological Evaluation

  • Emotional and Behavioral Evaluation

  • Speech Evaluation

Contact us to Inquire!

Miscellaneous Fees

Cancellation (Before 24 hours from the scheduled session): No Charge

Late Cancellation (Within 24 hours from the scheduled session): 50,000 KRW

No Show : 100,000 KRW

Payment Methods

  • Cash

  • Credit Card

  • Bank Wire Transfer

    • Name of Bank (ENG): Industrial Bank of Korea

    • Address of the Bank: 79 Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea (04541)

    • Name of the Bank Account Holder: I Care Counseling Center

    • Swift Code: IBKOKRSE

    • Bank Account Number:

      • (For Korean won transaction) 505-071156-04-011

      • (For US dollar transaction) 641-048060-56-00011

은행이름 (KOR): 기업은행

  • 계좌주 성함 (KOR): 아이케어 심리상담센터 주식회사

  • 계좌번호:

    • 505-071156-04-011 (원화통장)

    • 641-048060-56-00011 (달러통장)

Our Insurance Partners

Self-Reimbursement for below mentioned insurance companies